Code Monkey Logo Wazuh High Availability Roadmap

Cybersecurity with Humans

Timeline and Milestones

This roadmap outlines our roadmap to set up a high-availability, high-performance Wazuh instance using Kubernetes over the next 10 weeks. Our Wazuh instance will be released to the public by 8am Monday Feburary 17th, 2025 AWST.

Week 1 (Dec 9 2024): Research and Planning

Week 2 (Dec 16 2024): Environment Preparation

Week 3 (Dec 30 2024): Persistent Storage and Networking

Week 4 (Jan 6 2025): Initial Wazuh Deployment

Week 5 (Jan 13 2025): Scaling and High Availability

Week 6 (Jan 20 2025): Performance Optimization

Week 7 (Jan 27 2025): Security Hardening

Week 8 (Feb 3 2025): Testing and Validation

Week 9 (Feb 10 2025): Documentation and Final Tweaks

Week 10 (Feb 17 2025): Production Deployment